Sunday, May 4, 2008

Mail Boxes

Have you ever looked at a neighbor's mail box and sighed with envy? I particularly like the ones that have a flowerbed at the base with climbing flowers twining around the post. I also like the mail boxes that have been hand painted - as long as the artist knew what he was doing, that is!

If you suffer from mail box envy, take a look at They offer many types of mail boxes, including but not limited to single-unit mail box and post packages, wall mounted mailboxes, commercial mailboxes, and post mailboxes.

I mentioned that I like hand painted mailboxes, and I was surprised to see the large selection of scenes offered through Mailboxixchange. There were plenty of scenes to suit a wide variety of tastes: birds, flowers, hunting scenes, nautical themes, and landscapes are just a few of the types of illustrations offered.

If you prefer clean and classic lines, there are plenty of choices that fit that description as well. In fact, it seems to me that, no matter your preference, Mailboxixchange is the place to begin your search.